Thursday, December 9, 2010


From as long as I can remember and from well before that even, I’m sure (from the beginning of civilization to be more precise), I’ve seen people change over time. This is not some kind of evolution they undergo to be cured of life threatening diseases (I wish it were) or gain an added advantage at a sports event(although, I do believe that Michael Phelps has started the evolution of human-fish, excuse the prose). No, what I’m referring to is something plain as day, but when it occurs it hits us like a freight train, and shocks us to boot. The change I’m referring to is a change of trends.

Now, everyone must have heard of one or the other quote that conveys the idea : There are two kinds of people : the Trend Setters and those who follow. Many a wise man/woman has said something or the other about being your own self, being true to oneself and striving to be unique, to make trends and not follow them. Here, in this quagmire, lies my first argument, is it even possible to be “unique”. An evening stroll around the local hang out place would give one numerous examples of people who have been told that they are unique, but still wear the same branded T-shirt, or have the same ideas, or have a crush on the same girl/boy, or listen to the same music, and think of themselves as unique. The fault is not theirs for believing so; it’s the way they’ve been brought up. Every parent would should want his/her child to be extraordinary, and the first lesson that is instilled in the child to become extraordinary is to become unique. But then, just wanting so doesn’t make it so. There are various aspects that go against making a person unique, and among others nurture is the most significant. A child’s environment is responsible for a child’s future. A child brought up in a rich family, which believes in education is very likely to be successful in life. But, environment may also encumber a child’s prospect of being “unique”. This can be seen everywhere today, people like to stick with people who think alike. Thus, in other words people are more comfortable with people of the same type. This creates stereotypes and, by and large, kills “uniqueness”. Not only that, taking the question of trends into aspect, what is the real world if not a muddle of brands and ‘what’s next’ in the market. The market, at the risk of sounding anarchist, has transformed people into puppets, who lap up everything that the market spews at them. So, people today, and it pains me to proclaim this, have become, against their wishes, trend followers.

And what if someone really wish to be unique in all respects? There is only one way that it could be achieved  if the person in question were to live on a lonely island, then there’s a small, infinitesimal chance that he/she might turn out unique. But, what is one to do with such uniqueness? Uniqueness as an idea is vaunted, but being unique just for the sake of being different is unnecessarily laborious, and damaging to one’s social stature as well, a unique person might be shunned by others, not because this person has a questionable character, but because his/her uniqueness might be seen as a sign of arrogance by others.

It is only when this uniqueness is mellowed, and personality is augmented by an almost monomaniacal drive towards innovation and/or progress, that trends, in the true sense of the word, are made and a person truly becomes extraordinary. But that, is for another article.

- A typical writer.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Success : Things aren't always as they seem

What makes a man successful? What is the driving force that enables someone to forget everything and persevere towards his or her own betterment? This is a debate that can go on for hours, but I would take this opportunity to point out a few crucial factors that cannot be ignored.

I don't generally write serious articles here, but then the previous year has brought about that change in my  mind. A change that has compelled me to shed the facetious side of me behind. I've heard, read, seen thousands of people saying that a Rolling Stone gathers no moss, and now as I listen to "You can't always get what you want" by the Rolling Stones, I truly comprehend the meaning of it.The adage was meant to convey he following :

It was meant to suggest that while a stone moves continuously, it has no time to gather moss as moss can only be gathered by a stationary object.

This translates literally with the stone becoming a person and the moss becoming commitment, problems or anything perceived as negative, trying to gather on the person who in turn keeps moving, preventing problems gathering in the first place.

But another inference can be drawn from this as well. See, the worldly commitments, problems etc. that man seeks to prevent and set himself free from are what makes man's life man's. If you were to ask a person what makes human beings human and different from an animal, the answer would be society. Humans crave society, can't live without society, so, as they seek to relieve themselves of this burden of commitment, simultaneously, they find themselves desiring social contact at the same time. This is the Catch-22 that we find ourselves entangled in. Not everyone can be a real life Chris Mcandless(See the movie "Into the Wild").

These "problems" have to be forsaken to become successful in life as well, I have noticed. This argument can easily be proven by citing the examples of Einstein, Galileo, Da Vinci (These greats might have had brief romances in their lives but in the end pursuit for excellence was what they were truly after). This can be seen even today, albeit on a smaller scale, in every ambitious working person's life.

What are we here for? If given a hundred choices, the choice that most people would go for is HAPPINESS. Yes, that 9 letter word that remains so elusive. People pursue titles, people pursue fame, people pursue job opportunities, but what about happiness, that is something that can be obtained only by gathering the proverbial moss. The true secret to happiness is learning to live with yourself, learning to be content with what you have done in life thus far. This by no means means spurning ambition, the drive towards betterment, only if that ambition is towards making yourself content.

What did I hope to achieve with this ambiguous article? I would love to write a simple :"Nothing! Thanks for wasting a good five minutes understanding this but I was just in a mood to pull someone's leg through my words" but no, the aim was to spread faith in oneself.

Anyone can prosper, the trick is realizing this first.