After a hard Sunday's work(that's right, I work on Sundays), I was in a detrimental state. I was very irritable, so after narrowly escaping some awkward social situations, I sat thinking that this state of mind would act as a fillip to my creativity. I am not going to mention here that I've posted this after a long time. That to me just looks a lot like a waste of space, something quite like the sentence ending with this.
So here I was sitting, thinking, ruminating, munching - it helps me think, ask the buffaloes, sitting there munching all day, there must be an entire scientific research behind it- when suddenly it struck me that it would be a great idea to listen to some music.
So I clicked on the Winamp icon on my desktop and hit the play button, figuratively of course. The song that blared through the headphones was a weird techno version of push the tempo. I promptly deleted it from my playlist and hard disk(How did I happen to have that in the first place, I'll never know, probably some weird drunken night fetish). Then I proceeded to thinking up strange yet awesomely cool movie ideas. The initial ideas that floated through my mind were really funny, that's what I thought until I really thought about them. After rejecting a movie idea in which a man has very long arms and goes on to become the best basket ball player of a generation, I thought I had hit the jackpot when I thought up a particularly engrossing thriller. The story of the thriller goes something like this :
There are two people, the pro and the ant - agonist. Both of these dudes are famous milliners. The thing that separates them from the normal everyday John Hatsman (excuse the pun on Huntsman) is that they both are awesome hypnotists and they sell their wares by hypnotizing their potential customers into buying expensive hats and accouterments. But the difference is that the pro sells his customers the best quality products, which are politically and environmentally correct. On the other hand the ant is a mad hatter, he usually makes his hats by skinning rats, drat that. One day, as destiny would have it, pro and ant move out of their previous dens in search of new customers albeit with different motives, the pro's motives benign, the ant's malicious. They both arrive and set up shop in the same city and soon rise up to be the most famous milliners in the city. Now when there is a duopoly as this, there is usually competition between the opposing parties, one may just glance a big democracy to acknowledge the veracity of that statement.
One day, ant plots a coup to overthrow pro and lay claim to all of pro's clients. He dresses up as a lady and enters pro's boutique posturing as a higher upper class savant of a lady. Now Pro gets very excited because he sees an opportunity to make a quick and healthy buck(Pro is a little money minded but remains good because his after sale service is the stuff made of legends). He asks ant alias Miss Penelope RoundBottom to take a seat and goes about his preparations to hypnotize ant. Ant meanwhile has already put on his secret torque glasses, the ones that rotate in a spiral fashion so when pro asks ant to look closely at the oscillating pendulum, ant looks straight into pro's eyes and hypnotizes him. Thus claiming victory over his nemesis, ant orders pro to move out to the mountains and live a solitary, soul searching life till the end of his days. Pro solemnly obeys. And ant quickly becomes the sole proprietor of the city's hat business, then the country's hat business and in a few years his brand becomes synonymous to Nike. Ant marries a supermodel, buys a mansion in Norway and settles down in an acropolis in Ibiza.
End of story.
Then suddenly comes a quiet snap of fingers. And an old man wakes up to find himself high up in the Andes mountains. He looks around and finds a hut but nothing else apart from ranging valleys for miles. He's astonished to find himself in such a peculiar situation. He gets up and feels very parched. He finds a small stream nearby and walks over to it. When he bends over to dip his hands into the water, he suddenly stops and stares into the water petrified.
I'll tell you this, if that is not explanation enough of what has transpired in the story then I feel sorry for the guy who had to see the Matrix for the first time.
I thought that it is a good story, my story not the Matrix, and has plenty of potential. Put in Christian Bale and Leonardo Dicaprio and give the story to Christopher Nolan and I can imagine myself watching this movie and loving it afterward.
And you'll probably be wondering, where did the snap of fingers come from. He dreamt it.
I have seen Inception after all.
Well that's just about it from my end.
Thanks for reading.
(When I started typing today, "the evolution of rap" was what I wanted to write on, turns out that my article has evolved beyond that).